Formative Posts are things that other people have written that have had a big impact on the way I think about the world. Here they are, in no particular order:

Notes on Temporal Inaccessibility, Alex Haagaard

My Disability is Dynamic, Brianne Benness

Want to Highlight the Cause of Injustice? Write in the Active Voice., Devon Price

The neurodiversity movements needs its shoes off, and fists up., Lydia X.Z.Brown

Access Intimacy, Mia Mingus

You Are Not Entitled To Our Deaths, Mia Mingus

Disability Dongle, Liz Jackson, Alex Haagaard, Rua Williams

The Future of Design is Designing for Disability, se smith

I Won’t Pretend That Disability Simulation Works, Emily Ladau

Inclusivity Should not be WEIRD, Luis Berumen

The Mütter and More: Why We Need to be Critical of Medical Museums as Spaces for Disability Histories, Aparna Nair

There are Disabled People in the Future, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

Written Communication is the Great Social Equalizer, Stimpunks

I’ll be adding to this over time. Thanks to Eric W. Bailey for the inspiration to create this page!