I loved this book. A good mix: sweet, emotional, funny, sad. A daughter and her mother. We follow the daughter as she grows up. She’s secretly an alien and has great observations about the world, which she sends to her alien kin - via fax machine. Here’s one of my favorite passages, from once she becomes an adult and gets high for the first time.

“Adina, high, faxes late into the night. Plants are the earth’s hair. Genius and ingenious mean the same thing! Same goes for thaw and dethaw ! Why are there two words for what you do to a frozen chicken and only one for missing your best friend or the look Pat Sajak gives to Vanna White when they walk to their separate stations at the beginning of every Wheel of Fortune episode? Why is there only one word for waiting ? And not even one word for when you discover only after pouring your cereal that there is no milk? She is woken up by an incoming reply squeaking through the machine: THESE OBSERVATIONS ARE UNSURPRISING AND MEDIOCRE. ARE YOU ILL?”

Finished reading: Beautyland by Marie-Helene Bertino πŸ“š